Did you know over 40% of the Canadian population is suffering from mental health disorders?
What study and research shows on the role of different forms of art on mental health and healing:
Five benefits of using music therapy with cancer patients have been reported in the literature: increases in hospital patients' sense of control, promotion of wellness and the healthy aspects of patients' lives, reductions in pain and increases in immunity, decreases in anxiety, and reductions in psychological and physical symptoms.
Visual Arts can be a refuge from the intense emotions associated with illness. There are no limits to the imagination in finding creative ways of expressing grief and relieve anxiety. In particular, molding clay can be a powerful way to help people express these feelings through tactile involvement at a somatic level
Dance and movement has accompanied recognition of the mind and body benefits of motor activity. Movement-based creative expression focuses on nonverbal, primarily physical, forms of expression as psychotherapeutic or healing tools. Through the movement of mind and body in a creative way, stress and anxiety can be relieved, and other health benefits can be achieved as well.
Theatre or Acting has both cognitive and psychological well-being measures, specifically word and listening recall, problem solving, self-esteem, and psychological well-being.
Expressive writing individuals who have written about their own traumatic experiences exhibit statistically significant improvements in various measures of physical health, reductions in visits to physicians, and better immune system functioning. Writing increases health and wellness in varied ways.
"But art can go beyond healing individuals. Art heals our society."
Here is what LOUD Art Society's research summarizes:
Being creative is perhaps the most distinguished of human characteristic and one of the only reasons we differ from other living beings, we are able to have more control over creating our own realities.
Creativity is crucial for emotional and mental health because it enhances our mind management skills while we constantly search for solutions for different circumstances in our lives .
People are the most confident when they can express themselves in the best way possible, further, practicing creativity can empower people to improve their communication skills, understand their choices better, optimize their productivity, memory and use their full potential.
Practicing any creative activity carries meditative qualities and in other words it is a form of meditation.
During such activity our brain is active the most as both sides of the brain are working together simultaneously.
A creative person has unlocked the eternal joy and is happy, healthy, empathetic and confident.
We would like to inspire and motivate you by bringing art and creativity into your living and working space.
LOUD Art Society offers various mind managements, mental health enhancement and emotional intelligence optimization packages through our services including programs, projects and creative products.

As part of Loud Art Society's goals and missions we are glad to provide access to practice art and creativity for all age groups. In Corner of Creativity our professional artists lead educational and therapeutic art sessions. Corner of Creativity is an excellent service for child centres, schools, seniors, companies with highly stressed environment and non-profit centres serving other individuals in need. Corner of Creativity is designed to help individuals release stress, improve cognitive development and increase concentration. These art sessions usually happen around a table where the leading artist provides the individuals with set of materials and techniques. All sessions are self-directed and the participant has a full control over his/her creative journey.

LOUD art Society is proud to offer to design and produce art projects in partnership with different places. These projects are in the form of mural, art installation or sculptural pieces. Our projects are suitable for any environment where people can collaborate with artists therefore, our projects often happen in conjunction with our program. Loud Art Society's projects are specifically designed based on artistic research and emotional needs of the viewers.

Creative Products
Our products include the artists personally handcrafted art works such as paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints and installations. Through this service interested individuals and companies/organizations can host art pieces absolutely free of charge by borrowing a piece of art to place in their working or residential space.This service allows every art piece to serve its purpose as our intention is to create positive space with hand made creations. (Currently this service is under construction and will be launched soon.)
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